Let's face it--the world as we know it has changed forever. Despite bars and restaurants and malls reopening, many of us are staying put (because, well, science and humanity, but I digress...).
If you're like me, you put your life into your art in ways that you don't even realize--from that snippet of conversation at the local pub to people-watching at an outdoor cafe--it all ends up in the writing pot.
For many of us, however, those days are over-ish. Well, they're about to take on a new form, anyway. So, what can we do? Cue, the writer's date!
The, what, you may be wondering? That's right--take yourself on a date in your pjs and yesterday's caked-on makeup, right from the comfort of your own tiny apartment!
Here's how!
1. Plan a dream trip!
Dying to see the Northern Lights? Is your mouth watering for a space cake in Amsterdam? Instead of hopping on a plane, build your dream trip on Pinterest! No, I'm not kidding. Think about it this way--staying at home, not eating out, not frequenting the grocery store that often, etc. means you have some spare change. Build up a little bit everyday, and then take that trip in the future! For now, work on the logistics--best places to stay, sight see, eat, etc. One day, you'll get there, and when you do, you'll be prepared!
2. Get cultured!
I'm not referring to bacteria here. Itching to make it over to the Natural History Museum in London or how about the Musée d'Orsay? Behold--you can visit them (any so many others) any time!
3. Learn a new Skill
Dying to try something new? Or, maybe you need to spice up your main character's hobbies. From wine tasting, to yoga, to coding, and everything in between, there are a host of sites that offer free or affordable classes. To start with, check out Udemy or Skillshare

4. Picnic time!
I don't know about y'all, but I'm only a people person some of the time. Other times (pre-Corona) I had to force myself to leave the apartment. What can I say? I'm a writer of habit. A picnic is a great way to: a. get fresh air; b. observe nature; c. eat; d. continue to do the work that you were already going to do, but outside.
5. Host a Writer's Circle!
Sometimes just talking shop with fellow writers is a great way to sort out a craft problem--or better yet if you're like me, it's a tride and true way to get out of your own head and socialize, you know, actually interact with other humans (sans bacteria and viruses)!